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  • 5 Dec 2013

‘Opportunities for young people’ resource published

A resource that provides a list of opportunities for young people has been made available.

The new publication is an introduction to a selected range of opportunities for young people provided by PHF grantees and other charity and grant-giving bodies. The opportunities are divided into three sub-groups: opportunities for when times are hard; opportunities for when times are good; and volunteering opportunities and training programmes.

The resource was developed at the request of young people who attended the steering group meetings for PHF Young Leaders’ Day. It was distributed to all young people who attended the event.

PHF Young Leaders’ Day brought together young people and staff from 12 selected grantee organisations across the Arts, Education and Learning and Social Justice Open Grants programmes, and PHF staff and trustees.

PHF Young Leaders’ Day was set up by a team of cross-programme staff and formed part of the wider ‘PHF should…’ consultation. It was led by a team from Creative Experts, who are part of PHF Arts grantee Contact in Manchester. The day aimed to generate answers to the question, ‘How can PHF improve opportunities for young people?’; enable participating young people and grantee staff to learn from each other and have fun; and experiment with working directly with young people supported by PHF grants.

Haz, a 15 year-old peer mentor from Arc Theatre who attended PHF Young Leaders’ Day, blogged: ‘I thought it would be PHF people sitting around a table in suits and we would be asked about our progress and what we think our projects are doing for us. But no, this wasn’t the case at all! Eleven other companies were taking part in the day and everyone was so involved. I feel the day educated us all: we helped one another develop ideas on how we can do more by working together, both on the day and onwards.’

The suggestions and ideas generated on this day will feed in to the wider ‘PHF should’ consultation, influencing the strategic review that PHF is currently undertaking. ‘Opportunities for young people’, a storify and blog posts have been published since the event and a short film and report on the event will soon be available.