Other grants

The Foundation sometimes makes other awards that do not fit within the programme aims, although they normally relate to our areas of interest. These awards are not made in response to applications. This year we made four other awards.

 The Helen Hamlyn Trust


The principal focus of the Trust is on the initiation of medium and long-term projects, funded by way of grants, solely or with partners, linked to the shared interests of Lady Hamlyn and her late husband, Paul Hamlyn.

The current strategy for grant-making is concentrated on the following areas of activity: Medical, the Arts and Culture, Education and Welfare, Heritage and Conservation in India, International Humanitarian Affairs and Healthy Ageing. Within these areas of activity the Trust also supports a number of projects with a design focus which are undertaken by the Helen Hamlyn Centre at the Royal College of Art, London.

The Trust’s core aim is to initiate and support innovative medium- to long-term projects, which will effect lasting change and improve quality of life.



Hurricane Felix struck the coastal regions of Nicaragua in September 2007 and caused widespread devastation and loss of life. We responded with a grant to SINAPRED (Sistema Nacional para la Prevencion, Mitigacion y Atencion de Desastres), the national agency which deals with disaster prevention, mitigation and response, towards relief and rehabilitation.