
This strategic plan sets the aims and objectives for PHF for the next six years (2006 –2012). We intend to operate as a foundation that secures radical, long-term development and change. Where necessary we will not be afraid to take risks. We will support innovation and be pro-active to achieve specific goals.

We will meet our aims and objectives mainly through the work of the organisations and individuals we fund.

We will also meet our aims and objectives by carrying out research, evaluation and communication. This will increase the value (and cost) of grant-making. The skills and experience of our trustees, advisers, committee members and staff will be used as effectively as possible.

This plan sets out what we want to achieve through our funds in this period, and the current and future grant schemes and other activities we will undertake. It provides a framework within which we can manage our resources and provides trustees, staff, advisers, committee members and external organisations a context for our aims. We will make available a summary of the plan to the public. As necessary we will set more detailed objectives for our operations in annual business plans, and in separate but complementary plans for major initiatives.

This strategic plan follows from a three year plan 2003-06. We believe that an extended planning period provides a realistic focus for action and reporting, and enables others to plan and carry out work which meets our aims. Our intention is that the main aims and their objectives will continue for the six years. The detail of the open grant scheme of each programme may change and we will introduce new initiatives when necessary.

We will report on our progress in our annual reports and keep our programmes under review, adding further aims and objectives when necessary. We will carry out a comprehensive mid-term review of our aims and objectives in 2009-10. At present, we intend to roll forward our plan for a further period.

The plan has been informed by a review of the Foundation’s history and achievements, particularly since March 2003, and by an analysis of the needs of people in the UK and the opportunities for foundations to address them. A wide range of people have been consulted externally, though we have not undertaken a formal public consultation.

In 2007 we intend to produce a plan for the development of our work in India.

The Board took the decision to produce the plan on the initiative of the Director. The plan has been produced by the Trustees, staff and advisers of the Foundation. The planning process started in May 2005 and the plan was agreed by the Board in June 2006.