Organisational Bridges and Barriers


  1. Young people often don’t know what their rights are. Specifically, they may not know:
    1. how to make an appointment;
    2. how confidentiality will be maintained;
    3. that they can ask for a double appointment;
    4. that they can request a specific GP.
  2. Young people can feel uncomfortable in waiting rooms, feeling visible and potentially judged by other waiting patients.
  3. Young people do not always know how they can provide feedback about their experiences.
  4. Practices are often busy, highly pressurised environments that are not always conducive to reflection about mental wellbeing.


  1. Consider setting up a young person specific page on the practice website, providing this information in clear accessible language.
    1. See:
    2. Promote this short film on your website and within your practice:
  2. If possible, provide a private space where young people can wait.
    1. See:
  3. Offer young people the opportunity to provide feedback on the quality of the service received through patient groups or written feedback.
    1. See:
    2. Promote your local Healthwatch, which can receive feedback about your practice.
  4. Think about how to support the mental health and wellbeing of the staff working within the practice, as well as the patients.