Grants database
Resourcing Safety
Resourcing Safety
Amount: £240,000
Location: UK-wide, UK
Date: 2024
Contextual Safeguarding is an approach to understanding, and responding to, young people’s experiences of significant harm beyond their families. This grant supports a three-year participatory action research (PAR) project with young people and their families to develop a sector guide for commissioning and funding services and provision that is responsive to young people’s experiences of extra-familial risk, and tackle inequalities in the child welfare sector.
Funding for ‘hidden wiring’ working groups
Funding for ‘hidden wiring’ working groups
Amount: £10,000
Location: UK-wide, UK
Date: 2024
Thirty Percy are working to create a new philanthropy model that funds people rather than projects so investments have as long-lasting an impact as possible. This grant supports a collective working to explore various aspects of ‘hidden wiring’ infrastructure – what is already existing, what we mean by ‘hidden wiring’ and, longer term, with a view to adequately resourcing an ecosystem of actors doing the ‘hidden wiring’ work.
Employment Law and Criminal Law Guidance – Activism
Employment Law and Criminal Law Guidance – Activism
Amount: £5,000
Location: UK-wide, UK
Date: 2024
People Support Co-op provide a broad range of advice and support services related to human relationships in the workplace, and support the co-operative movement in its role as a key player in economic and social change. This grant funds the production of guidance on the intersection between employment law and criminal law. This will support social movement organisations who organise direct action and mobilisations, and employers wishing to offer activism leave. The aim is to support organisations to understand the risks involved and legally safest approaches.
Emergency Action Fund
Emergency Action Fund
Amount: £20,000
Location: UK-wide, UK
Date: 2024
The Civic Power Fund supports community organising and helps communities build the infrastructure and leadership they need to thrive. This grant provides emergency funds for groups organising as, or with, refugees, migrants asylum seekers, racialised communities and other communities facing hate.
Black-led non-profit fundraising
Black-led non-profit fundraising
Amount: £20,000
Location: UK-wide, UK
Date: 2024
Black Funding Network (BFN) is a community of individuals and institutions who come together to support Black founded and led non-profit organisations. This grant enables them to secure additional marketing expertise, with the aim to increase the number of donors and recruit more members which will reduce BFN’s reliance on other sources of funding.
The set-up of the new Arts & Culture Finance entity
The set-up of the new Arts & Culture Finance entity
Amount: £500,000
Location: UK-wide, UK
Date: 2024
Arts & Culture Finance is now Figurative, who raise and manage funds, support philanthropy, run programmes and offer research and advisory services tailored to the cultural and creative sector. This grant contributes to funding for the operating costs of Figurative over its first four years, in conjunction with Arts Council England, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and Nesta.
Harm to Healing Initiative
Harm to Healing Initiative
Amount: £20,000
Location: Wales, England, UK
Date: 2024
The A B Charitable Trust is an independent grant-making organisation which champions human dignity and supports the most marginalised and excluded groups in the UK. This grant contributes seed funding to their Harm to Healing initiative – a collective of organisations working to address racial injustice in the criminal legal system through collaborative action and funding.
Action Inquiry: Building collaboration for economic system change
Action Inquiry: Building collaboration for economic system change
Amount: £20,000
Location: UK-wide, UK
Date: 2024
People’s Economy (PE) work with communities in the UK facing economic injustice to reimagine, rebalance, and transform the economy. This grant will support PE to facilitate a mixed group of new economy organisations (NEOs) and grassroots changemakers (GCs) through an action inquiry that will develop shared knowledge and practice around how they can effectively and equitably collaborate on economic systems change work.
CPIE & Climate-KIC: International Human Learning Systems Funders Group
CPIE & Climate-KIC: International Human Learning Systems Funders Group
Amount: £10,280
Location: UK-wide, UK
Date: 2024
Centre for Public Impact Europe (CPIE) acts as a learning partner for governments, public servants, and the diverse network of changemakers leading the charge to reimagine government. This grant supports CPIE, in partnership with Climate-KIC, to co-create a “funders group” for foundations, philanthropists and Governments across the world who want to use a Human Learning Systems framing to change the power dynamics of funding.
Empowering Youth: A Collaborative Initiative for Systemic Change and Leadership
Empowering Youth: A Collaborative Initiative for Systemic Change and Leadership
Youth Focus North East (YFNE) provides support to the youth sector across the North East, and works directly with young people. This grant provides funding for Empowering youth, a project led by disadvantaged young people. The project encourages organisations to take a collaborative approach to meeting the needs of young people, and allow young people to take positions of influence and become leaders of systemic change.
Voyage course development and expansion
Voyage course development and expansion
VOYAGE (Voice of Youth and Genuine Empowerment) aims to empower marginalised Black young people aged 14–25 years and provide them with the self-awareness and motivation to transform themselves and their communities. This grant supports VOYAGE to strengthen its long-established Young Leaders programme and expand the pathways to previously inaccessible mentoring and employment opportunities with a growing number of corporate partners. It will also enable recruitment of a Head of Programmes to develop new accredited Young Leaders initiatives and increase capacity for the team.
The Baca Rebuild Futures Project
The Baca Rebuild Futures Project
The Baca Charity work with 16–19-year-old asylum seekers, some of whom have been victims of trafficking, who are separated from their families. They provide specialist supported accommodation and a range of holistic development training to help young people live to their full potential. This grant will enable Baca to improve the outcomes for the young people in their care by building on their existing model of support and strengthening their team.